
Importance of Human Resource Department


Human resource department is an important part of each and every organisation or business, it helps in developing and managing an effective workforce for a company. This report is an argumentative essay with respect to the topic “HR department is the most important part of a business”. The report will include three major arguments with regards to the topic along with its contradict statements and evidences. Furthermore, it will also consist specific examples in this report.

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Performance and Human resource management

Human resource management of the organisation plays an important role in performing different strategies and policies to set out clear objectives for work in the organisation.(Human resource management,2018.) They have to play major performance among employees to clarify them about clear objective of their job role.

Argument 1

According to the views of Collings and, (2018). when company needs employee, when there is need to make planning relating to business growth and for the quick recruitment company needs help of human resource departments. For the productive performance and for lowering turnover of the company HR plays an important role for the engagement of employee in organisation and to satisfy them by providing basic needs.

Counter Argument 1

In the words of Guest,(2017). There are certain hindrances which company has to face because of human resource departments. There are major mismanagement in the name of doing systematic management in the company. For recruiting people at the right time for right job involves huge money and for developing effective policies extra cost involve in doing process which has a great impact on reducing company's profitability.

Rebuttal 1

According to Boon and, (2018). HR department in Marks and Spencer company created a huge problem when they have appointed person's who are not responsible in doing their work and because of that organisational objectives are not getting fulfilled in proper time and with proper coordination and also it is affected overall performance and profitability of the organisation. No effective ethical values and disciplines are developed by HR team by which employee are facing harassment in workplace.

Policies and Human Resource Management

In any organisation human resource management work is to create effective policies by which an organisation objectives get achieved with proper coordination and in an effective team work. Major role of human resource department is to create effective policies in organisation by which its culture remain positive in working.

Argument 2

According to the views of Armstrong and Taylor,(2014). to engage employee in organisation effective policies of human resource department is most important aspect which company implement to sustain employee relationship for long term. To achieve organisational objectives human resource departments creates effective policies and also develop effective communication between employees by which they will motivate employees to work hard and to work in team spirit.

Effective human resource policies help organisation to achieve its goals and to make production which is in accordance with customer expectation and by that company also able to satisfy customers in business market.

Counter Argument 2

In the views of Knies and, (2015) sometimes HR managers policies creates an unhappy employee because poor policies affects employee behaviour is which is because of lack of proper organisational chart in the company which also leads to unhappy customer.

Ineffective policies of HR departments affect financial stability of the company in which huge money got invested by company and in return they did not get back that much amount of money which expected by company with that policiy.

Rebuttal 2

In the views of Albrecht and, (2015) poor HR policies in IKEA organisation have major impact on their overall performance and productivity. Their policies are not encouraging employees by which they not working satisfactory and in effective coordination by which its impact is that company's profitability get reduced and other competitors ha captured business market and customers from that organisation too.

Argument 3 – “Productivity and Human resources department”

According to Morshed and, (2017), productivity is generally confused with more work performed by the workforce. Although, it relates more to effective or better planning than to pressurizing employees to the last limit. It demonstrate an improvement in the working abilities or qualities of employees by innovations in organising and planning related to available resources. It can be determined that successful management of human resources can lead to high productivity in an organisation or business. Human resource department plays a major role in managing the employees in an organisation or company. Therefore, it can be concluded from this argument that for increasing productivity human resource plays an important role that further leads to increase in profitability of the business. Hence, this argument supports the statement that HR department is the most important part of a business. Each and every activity or tasks can not be completed without human resources and the department that is handling or managing those resources is obviously the most important part in a company.

Counter Argument 3

According to Brierley and Gwilliam (2017), production department is responsible for the productivity of a business or organisation. It is not possible to improve productivity of any company or business without an effective production department. It requires advance technology, production system and resources for managing the productivity of any business. Therefore, according to this author human resource department only focuses on providing human efforts or resources for completing a task or activity, it has no impact on the productivity. On the other hand effective production system and technology can influence productivity of an organisation both positively and negatively. Hence, this argument states that HR department can not be called as the most important part of a business.

Rebuttal 3

According to May and Ledgerwood (2017), HR department can sometimes create issues or problems in a business or organisation. Even though there are effective teams, management and human resource department in an organisation there are chances of conflicts among the employees due to lack in knowledge, understanding and cultural values or ethics within the individuals working in the organisation. The employees can get into a conflict due to improper distribution of work, it can create image or position issue among the employee which can be a major cause for arguments, dissatisfaction and conflicts at the workplace. Therefore, it can be contradict for the statement that HR department is the most important part of an organisation or business.

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From the above study it can be concluded that human resource management is the most important in all business organisation. In this present report arguments are given in favour and without favour of human resource management in business organisation.



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